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« morning at the lake beach | Main | Love date »

Jul 31, 2010


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so looking forward to sing and dance,swing and laugh,tea and cookies served by Ayanna.
Only 5 weeks and 5 days from mow.
we kunnen nu echt de dagen aftellen.
en van je EEN....en van je TWEE....:-)
Kusje van Apa en Ama

Love her hat, indeed sounds like a beautiful day. your pictures of the lake were amazing. what camera do you use if you don't mind me asking, I love taking photos but at the time I don't have a fancy camera.

ooohhh nice stripped shirt with hat! she is such a lady. love it! I know I'll never play tea and dolls with Asa... but glad they get to go to the swings together. I love days like these!

Such a perfect day,
i'm glad i spent it with you...

dat liedje popt ineens in mijn hoofd op! Heerlijk!!

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